After this final appointment, I feel so grateful for the care and am noticing I’m somewhat sad that my monthly “retreat” out alone, bonding time with baby, “just me” care time built in, in a space curated so lovingly for a woman’s heart… is coming to another end. It’s almost as if we pregnant mothers are in the womb of midwifery for our own gestation. But alas, birth always always comes!
Embracing Place
2/28/2019 Dear Daughters, The day after we got married, your father started reading a novel to me, Hannah Coulter by…
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Understanding the Human Person
How can understanding the concept of personhood and the core truths of the human person enrich our lives? The lovely Dr. Helena Orellana is here to give us a peek inside how therapists help their clients, and to teach us how becoming more known to ourselves can help us stay afloat and keep our eyes on the horizon during tough times.
As I lay in bed trying to sleep, I see these women stepping alongside me, holding me up by my elbows, wooden beams reinforcing me as I keep stepping forward. They are Jesus and Mary’s hands and feet and heart to me, ensuring survival in great trial.